Jan 3-15: Interesting trips from Inca

Sun Jan 3

May, Frieda & I went with Nr Norton for a ride - a brilliant morning, hot sunshine - saddle not comfortable, so did not much enjoy it. Walked after tea & met the train.

Mon Jan 4

Wrote letters, read, and walked.

Tue Jan 5

May, Frieda & I took our lunch to the Lagoona, where we sketched and read for 4 hrs, then back again to tea wh. we enjoyed greatly.

Wed Jan 6

Walked, worked & read until time to meet the train. We heard at station there had been an accident to the men coming down on a trolley car. It got out of control: six jumped and got badly wounded. The train was sent up for them taking Dr Cotton & Mr Mallet, who worked at the poor fellows until 2.30 next morning & again at 8 they were up at the station to attend to them. They were sent down to Mendoza. Mr Norton left. May & Ted rode after tea. Frieda not well, so I stayed with her.

Fri Jan 8

We started after breakfast & walked up the mountain again. After lunch we walked down the valley and made our tea. It was cold & wet in the evening.

Sat Jan 9

Ted not well all day. May, Frieda went with Mr Thompson for a ride. I sketched the valley again, trying the, for me, utterly impossible. Just six months!!

Sun Jan 10

A glorious morning, filling one's heart with worship and gratitude to the Maker of this beautiful world. We four started off at 10 to take our lunch to the Horcones valley. We walked past the Lagoona to the Nulla where we had tea with the Fowlers. Here we eat our lunch by a brook of pure cold water. We then walked further up the valley to where they have to cross the river to get to the foot of Aconcagua. We had simply perfect views of that noble monarch. A soft light cloud lovingly caressed the top &, almost as we looked, changed into a storm cloud which very rapidly descended into the valley and gave chase to we intruders who dared to venture into its wild & lonely fastnesses. It is a grand spot. One mountain about 18,000 showing a huge upheaval on one side. A gigantic rock flings its head high - composed of layers of evenly marked strata running almout horizontally the whole way up - one big slice, being of a lighter shade of rock, helps the resemblance to shelves in a shop, closely packed with different coloured goods. Another shoulder has the same even packing running in a different direction - it is called the Almicina, on the opposite side of the valley, which is here not more than ½ mile across and has not a 100 ft level ground anywhere, for miles, under some towering cliffs there stand rocks wh. have the appearance of a guard of sentinels watching the approach to Aconcagua. On the opposite side of the valley, a little further up, the same singularly shaped rocks are continued. The rain soon overtook us, but, as the dust was intolerable, it was not unwelcome. We left the smiling sunny valley now wrapped in gloom storm, and howling wind. When we reached hotel found that 68 1st class passengers were expected. Read a little to May, who had dust in her eyes.

Mon Jan 11

Last night, Mrs Lloyd & her children arrived, also Mrs Pilgrim, wife of the doctor I called in for May at B.A. & 2 Miss Corbetts, nice lady-like girls. Mrs P. was sent here by her husband because we were here! Read worked and walked up Cerro Panda.

Tue Jan 12

Started at 8 to climb the Inca Mt. with Dr & Mrs Cotton - very stiff and steep for 3 hrs in the hot sunshine - we had magnificent views of Aconcagua & Almacunies towering cliffs - mostly snow covered. we got to the opposite side of the gorge, where the Inca - wh. is a tall red rock of between 60 & 70 ft high having a small piece on top, wh. from below is something like a man - stands sentinel overlooking his bridge. We got back to the hotel at 12 & very much enjoyed a lemon squash. Took our tea to the Aroya Panta, a very fine stream coming down from a grand gorge, with wh. we were to make a further acquaintance.

Wed Jan 13

Ted & Frieda rode.

Thu Jan 14

Made up our minds to go to Chile; but found the train too full. Had a drive with Mrs P, the Misses Corbett & Frieda. Mr Thompson drove, the three horses abreast, at a mad gallop up hill & down - a most exciting drive, skirting precipices & just avoiding huge boulders wh. must have upset the carriage.

Fri Jan 15

Finished sketch of baths. The anniversary of our wedding day - 28 years - ah me!

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